Re-ignition I

*** It is important to be flexible in mission due to Girls Frontline does not have fixed enemy movements. So adopt accordingly.****

Clear Condition: Establish Supply Route and maintain it for 2 turns.
Required Squads: 2 Combat + 1 Dummy

Map View: Large looking map but in reality we only care about the top side, and bottom side will largely take care of itself using ally units. Due to split nature, 2 combat echelon around equal strength is required.

Start off with 2 combat echelon on each place. Only one that we have to toggle is UMP 45 to "wait" and leave rest of ally units as is.

Continue to clear out the enemy units in each pocket. Spawn dummy echelon on the right side of the map.

Combat echelon on the right side clears out the remaining units. Combat echelon on the left continues to make route to be connected later.

Before ending turn, make sure UMP 45 is toggled back to "Eliminate" and UMP 9 is toggled to "Wait".

Last thing to do is combat echelon near HQ to go all the way back up to resupply then kill the last enemy unit in the pocket. For reference, Jupiter cannon drops limited doll, so here's one chance you can get it by attacking weakened Jupiter. 
