Last Resort III
*** It is important to be flexible in mission due to Girls Frontline does not have fixed enemy movements. So adopt accordingly.****
Clear Condition: Kill all enemy units.
Required Squads: 2 Combat [Normal and Anti-armor] + 1 Dummy
Map has mix of armor and regular units, with ridiculous number of dinnergates at the edge. I personally recommend using AR SMG echelon with AoE skill or just use Air-strike fairy to get it done without any HP loses.
Start with Anti-armor echelon and take helipad north of HQ. Then spawn in 2nd combat echelon.
Swap with 2nd combat echelon then resupply.
Go clockwise around the loop then swap back with 2nd combat echelon. Resupply before ending turn.
2nd combat echelon moves to helipad at the top end of the map. anti-armor echelon moves to south of HQ to take another helipad.
2nd combat echelon makes its way to next helipad on the outer edge going clockwise. With spare move point spawn a dummy echelon.
There's enemy near helipad on top right that needs to be taken care of before moving to next helipad. You should have plenty move points to do so.
Don't forget to resupply as you go. Again repeat previous step making sure there's no enemy left behind.
Once you cover the last area, you should be all set.
Clear Condition: Kill all enemy units.
Required Squads: 2 Combat [Normal and Anti-armor] + 1 Dummy
Map has mix of armor and regular units, with ridiculous number of dinnergates at the edge. I personally recommend using AR SMG echelon with AoE skill or just use Air-strike fairy to get it done without any HP loses.
Start with Anti-armor echelon and take helipad north of HQ. Then spawn in 2nd combat echelon.
Swap with 2nd combat echelon then resupply.
Go clockwise around the loop then swap back with 2nd combat echelon. Resupply before ending turn.
2nd combat echelon moves to helipad at the top end of the map. anti-armor echelon moves to south of HQ to take another helipad.
2nd combat echelon makes its way to next helipad on the outer edge going clockwise. With spare move point spawn a dummy echelon.
There's enemy near helipad on top right that needs to be taken care of before moving to next helipad. You should have plenty move points to do so.
Don't forget to resupply as you go. Again repeat previous step making sure there's no enemy left behind.
Once you cover the last area, you should be all set.
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