Area 7N

Area 7N finally breaks the 100 Armor value for the SF units along with Dreamer boss as limited gear farming for MG3. If you have decently raised fairy along with well geared echelon, you will fair better on chapter 7 compared to chapter 6. There will be a variation to one echelon that i use, and i will show what that looks like when we get to the map. 

One Self-buff focused AR team along with one MGSG team will be all you need for the 7N maps.

**** It is important to be flexible in mission due to Girls Frontline does not have fixed enemy movements. So adopt accordingly and use maps only for reference.****

  • 7-1N
S-Rank condition: Kill 6 unit within 4 turns
Required Squads: 1 Night ARSMG echelon+ 1 Dummy + 1 Friend Echelon

Map view: It's relatively straight forward map but has entire map as RNG fest. What you want to watch out for is Scout units. I would strongly recommend having 2 AOE skill in the echelon [one SMG and one nade AR].  

Start with Dummy Echelon on helipad and take radar to the left. Then deploy combat echelon.

Since there are fewer nodes to be covered to top of the helipad, we are going to leave the task to Friend echelon. Again would recommend if the echelon has AoE skills to deal with scouts. Make sure to set the pattern to 'Eliminate'.

Use remaining moves to scout out vicinity of helipad. If dummy echelon is in danger from the bottom side, take care of left side first.

Friend echelon should take care of SF unit threatening the Dummy echelon.

Now that bottom side is clear, move echelon to top side, swap out with friend echelon if you want to save resources.

  • 7-2N
S-Rank condition: Kill 10 unit within 6 turns
Required Squads: 1 Night ARSMG echelon+ 2 Dummy + 1 Friend Echelon

Map View: This map is also rather straight forward. Dragoon unit on the right doesn't seem to move. Again I strongly recommend AR echelon to have 2 AoE skills. [Zas or FAL for low ICD]

Start with Combat Echelon at the bottom helipad and Dummy on other helipads. Combat echelon sweeps bottom half of the map just past the radar node.

With remaining moves, scoot Dummy Echelon to the bottom, leaving space for Friend echelon on the top helipad.

Deploy Friend Echelon and set it to Eliminate.

Move Dummy that still on the middle helipad to the bottom, creating a line for Combat echelon to swap back for resupply. Return combat echelon to original position.

Follow the top route of the map and sweep to clear.

Clear out the remaining enemy units on the map. You should have plenty of moves to clear them all.

  • 7-3N
S-Rank condition: Kill 16 unit in 7 turns; control enemy HQ.
Required Squads: 1 Mixed Echelon [AR/MG/SMG] + 3 Dummy + 1 Friend Echelon.

Map View: Perhaps most RNG reliant map of this chapter, but with bit of swapping positions and taking calculated risks, it should be manageable. If you want to be safe, just use 2 Combat Echelon instead suited for armored combat.

Instead of having 2 SMG here, having 2 AR and 1 MG with HG as off tank might be better choice, but with set up i have above map was no issue. 

Move combat echelon up one, then spawn first Dummy. 

Both echelons scoot up the line by one each, then spawn Friend Echelon that is ideally MG/SG echelon. Set to 'Eliminate.'

Swap Friend Echelon all the way to the front of the line and Combat echelon back to starting location.

Spawn 2nd Dummy echelon after moving Combat echelon down one towards radar. Then move the dummy echelon to the left so we can spawn 4th echelon.

This is where you can spawn a 3rd Dummy or 2nd Combat echelon to minimize RNG. I will showcase routes and choices I had to make when doing with 3 Dummies.

On Turn 3, take Combat echelon all the way to helipad. Your situation may be different but i was able to take helipad because only one of the highlighted nodes had enemy on it. Again if you have 2 combat echelons, this would not be an issue.

Bring down Dummy echelon/Combat echelon right above the helipad. Swap out with Combat echelon if dummy is in the way of danger.

Your goal is to move 2 echelons in tandem and take the radar node. If you are using 3 Dummy echelon, this can be troublesome when you have 2 enemy units threatening both spots that echelons will end up. If this is the case, just take it slow since you have extra turn to spare. 

Since I have 3 Dummy echelons, I decided to play safe and clear out the enemy units.

You might end up in similar situation where you are out of ammo but have to take the helipad for resupply. In this case you are free to retreat one of the echelon and redeploy on starting location to bring it back. Or you can take calculated risk which is what I did.

Resupply the echelon and sweep the middle of the map for armor dogo unit.

Sweep remaining nodes on the right side to clear the map.

  • 7-4N

S-Rank condition: Kill Boss unit Dreamer in 8 turns.
Required Squads: 2 Combat Echelon [Boss + MG] + 2 Dummy Echelon

Map View: Our only goal is Dreamer and we can ignore more than half the enemy units on the map. 

For Boss Echelon I have focused on getting firepower and evasion for the survival. For choices for fairy, I would recommend Mortar fairy for pure stat, but command and illumination fairy works as well. [Dreamer has 30 evasion].

Start with 2 Dummy echelons on the map. Ignore the left side and use bottom helipad to spawn MG echelon and swapping back with Dummy echelon. MG echelon will make path for Boss echelon.

Repeat step 1 but using bottom node and Boss echelon.

MG echelon moves to take Helipad near enemy HQ. Boss echelon follow behind.

MG echelon resupply here then move to clear remaining armor units in the way to Dreamer.

Boss echelon fight dreamer. Boss is pretty much identical to Chapter 8 Dreamer.

If need help with dodging laser, I recommend setting echelon to 'X' formation when running to Dreamer.